Welcome to the first week of Ed 270. This class is about technology in education. My name is Alyssa Roberts, and I'm a freshman at Western Oregon University. I plan to teach kindergarteners when I graduate. Thought out this term we will be learning about all the ways to ingrate technology into the classroom. Today was an introductory period to the class. but we still learned a lot.
In a three hour class you can cover a lot of material. Today was a day to explore. We look a a bunch of websites and started to crate some account. We learned how to save things off the internet if they are protected. We also set up blogs. We took time to look up website that will do thing for you that others will charge you for. We did a lot of just looking around today and getting thing set up. As the class progresses further I know there will be lots to learn.
Until next week, Alyssa.
One of the first things a teacher will look for and hope for in a student is their expectation that there is something to learn. Apparently you're there. I know I am; I'm always ready to learn because there is so much to learn and the greatest place to learn it is in a classroom where there are so many students helping me to learn.